ISI-2019 Praise 106.5 Radio Ad:
Scroll down to see the List of 16 Seminars at the bottom of this page...
Keynote Speakers:
Door PrizesThere are several - Game tickets, books, DVD's, event vouchers, etc. Some will be given out after the lunch break, the rest just before the closing speaker. You must be present to receive a Grand Prize.
The Grand Prizes ARE:
You can buy your $8 (Subway) lunch with your admission when you register online, but this must by done by Thursday, April 4, 2019.
You can always buy your lunch off-site at the dozens of eateries within a five-minute drive of the church. See the map: ---> ![]()
Seminars - All our seminars are confirmed and we expect no changes at this time.
MORNING SEMINARS (Subject t0 Change):
Church Planting and the Heart of God
Dr Bill Hogg, Missionologist • Multiply (C2C Network) • Surrey Description: Let’s interact on why church planting matters and what God is up to through church planting in Canada. Leaders SHIFT Ryan Walter, Leadership Expert • • Thetis Island Description: Spiritual Transformation accelerates as believers take on the Mind of Christ. Philippians 4 instructs us to “think on these things.” This means we do have choices; we can be more intentional and less reactional with the mindset we choose. During this session, participants will explore the 5 mindsets that we drift into, or shift into, throughout our day, week and lifetime. Armed with this practical and powerful awareness, we can choose to shift our thinking into alignment with Christ’s. Keeping our Youth – Strategies for Parents & Teens George Bertness, Founder • Teens 2 Serve Jesus • Maple Ridge Description: We will examine the Cultural Forces that are undermining our faith. The speaker will then present a strategy and resources to help us win this spiritual battle. The seminar is geared to all generations. You are Richer than You Think! Marlowe Janke, Canadian Director • Men for Missions Canada • Calgary Description: Are men looking for purpose in life "beyond the game"? Are we ready to DO anything; GO anywhere;Give anything that God asks? Making Your Church Safer RCMP Sgts David Au & Tom James • Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers Description: (Subject to change) This session will provide you with the knowledge to assess your church facilities, and to develop plans for preventative action; what to do as a situation develops; an immediate response to an active threat; where to take shelter; and how to evacuate. Planning for unexpected events includes your entire congregation. Using Creation to Make and Strengthen Disciples Richard Peachey, Speaker • Creation BC • Abbotsford Description: Evolutionary thinking hinders some people from initially trusting the Bible and coming to Christ. Such people may be helped greatly by a knowledgeable deconstruction of the evolutionary worldview (2 Cor. 10:5). But committed Christians continue to need reinforcement on how to deal with the origins controversy, because the very authority of the Word of God is at stake. Evolution can be a powerful weapon of Satan to derail believers from their confidence in God's truth; education on this topic is vital for encouraging and empowering disciples of Christ. Fighting the Sexualization of the School System Paul Dirks, Research Director • Parents United Canada Description: Where are we at in the fight to protect our children from the radical sexualization agenda taking place in our school system? We will highlight where great gains have been made, and where the agenda has continued with some frightening examples. We will also talk about practical steps for men to engage and fight the good fight. No young men under 18 please. CANCELLED (stroke) Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff... God’s Perspective Ben Cohen, Speaker • Rabbi Ben (It was a small thing and he is home recovering. God is wonderful and He provides lessons in amazing ways. Thank you, Lord.) Description: What do a red string, a pebble, a pearl, a seed, a pebble AND two apostrophes have in common? All of them are small things. Each one of us, one time or other, have been bothered by the “small things” life throws in our paths. But in the eyes of GoD they sometimes contain EXACTLY what lessons we need to learn. I’m Pastor-Rabbi Ben. Come and learn what God thinks about “small things” AND maybe we can learn some Hebrew words together. I promise you great things DO come in small packages. |
AFTERNOON SEMINARS (Subject t0 Change):
Leaders ASK
Ryan Walter, Leadership Expert • • Thetis Island Description: We are all leaders. John Maxwell says that “leadership is influence.” We are all influenced, and we influence others, both negatively and positively in every part of our lives, our relationships, and on our teams. During this session, participants will uncover the leadership skill that Jesus utilized to positively influence people throughout history… asking questions. Together we will explore how Jesus asked key questions to uncover spiritual truths from physical realities. During our session, participants will engage in an exercise to help sharpen their skill of asking questions. What Time is It in Canada? Dr Bill Hogg, Missionologist • Multiply (C2C Network) • Surrey Description: Come and explore some of the opportunities and challenges of following Jesus on mission today in Canada. Courage in Leadership Jeff Zak, Chairman • Mighty Men’s Conference Canada Association • Nelson Description: Peter was the only one who walked on the water, but then he was the only one to step out of the boat. Farmer/evangelist Angus Buchan’s stepped out of the boat in 2003 with 240 men and in seven years 400,000 men were stepping out with him. Now the Mighty Men’s movement has spread to the nations. What is God calling you to do? An Outdoor Ministry in Your Church Rick Magee, Chief of Operations • KOZ - Kids Outdoor Zone • Virginia Description: Be equipped and empowered to use the outdoors for making disciples and growing in your own faith in Christ. We will show you how to use your interests and passion for adventure in the outdoors to rescue broken men and to build boys in their Christian walk. CANCELLED - (wife's illness) Satan’s Sharpest Sword - Confronting the Destruction of Pornography Bryan Petkau, Certified Counsellor • Renewed Hope Counselling • Chilliwack Description: In this seminar Bryan will explore how pornography takes such a strong hold on men and the toxic affect it has on relationships. Bryan will also discuss his top 5 strategies on how Christian men can win this incredibly important battle. There will also be discussion about how we can protect the next generation of men from falling to this growing threat. Secrets Every Husband should Know! Mike Woodard, Associate Director • FamilyLife Canada • Abbotsford Description: Being a husband comes with a lot of expectations and with few detailed instructions, not that we would read them anyway. This seminar will focus on a few secrets to being a better husband. Mike will hit some keys to relational, emotional, physical and spiritual oneness Being a Good Father Ralf Landsberger, Executive Director • Icon Youth Ministries/SWAT • Abbotsford Description: What are the traits of a Good (Godly) Father, based on the Bible in our daily life and today's world. Are we living up to the expectations? What can we change? What can we do better? How To Build a Practical and Effective Weekly Men's Ministry Based on “Monday Night Men” at CLA Bart Vermeulen & Andrew Meszaros, Leaders • Monday Night Men (CLA) Description: The simple model of CLA's weekly "Monday Night Men" will be presented and explained. Tools and methods will be shared so you can build a strong, effective, weekly men's ministry; where men grow in and become more authentic in Christ and in developing good Christian relationships with other men of your church. The benefit to you, your spouse, family, friendships, workplace and relationship with God will be worth it. |
Bulletin Insert: