BIBLE STUDY is an important part of every Believer's life, and digging into God's Word from a male perspective can be an anchor in a turbulent world.
Men's Bible Studies are happening all across the Lower Mainland. They are EXCELLENT and yet almost every one of them is short on numbers. Here are some options... |
Please add your Men's Bible Study information using our Contact Form. Click the button, below. We will verify it and add it ASAP. Thanks.
Men's Bible Studies (from the WEST)... Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island: NEW St. Stephen's United Church 250-752-9831 Phone [email protected] 150 Village Way Qualicum Beach, BC V9K 1L1 Men’s Bible Study Bob Wahl reports that "St. Stephens in Qualicum Beach has a great group of men meeting every Wednesday at 10:30 am on their premises. I have found them to be a rich blessing to me." Contact Pastor Phil Spencer at [email protected] Vancouver: Faith Fellowship Baptist Church 2551 East 49th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5S 1J6 Email: [email protected] Phone: 604-321-6134 ABOUT MEN'S GROUP - A Quick Review Men’s Ministry is bringing together Men Of All Ages To Grow In Relationship With Jesus Christ; Encouraging Each Other To Be Servant Leaders In Our Families, Church and Communities. WHAT TO EXPECT Growing relationships with other men who are trying to become followers of Jesus in everyday life • The Men’s Bible Study meets every second Sunday night in a home atmosphere. HOW TO JOIN MEN'S GROUP Please leave us a message in the Contact form or reach Pastor Peter at [email protected] /604-321-6134 Richmond: Richmond Alliance Church 11371 No. 3 Road Richmond, BC V7A 1X3 Canada 604.277.3613 Phone [email protected] Men's Ministry Every Wednesday morning at 6:30am, our men meet for an hour of interactive Bible study. New guys always welcome. Coquitlam: Blue Mountain Baptist Church 50 Blue Mountain Street, Coquitlam, BC, V3K 4K5 (604) 936-6244 [email protected] Men's MUG Time Every Wednesday morning at 6:45 am, a group of men get together for a time of fellowship, Bible study and prayer. We also enjoy some great coffee along with some food and fantastic conversation. Our goal is to be finished by 7:30, but you can come and go as your time permits. Feel free to drop by and check it out some Wednesday Morning! |
Men's Bible Studies (from the EAST)... Abbotsford: Northview Community Church Abbotsford 32040 Downes Road Abbotsford, BC V4X 1X5 Phone: 604-853-2931 email: [email protected] Men’s Bible Study Men’s Bible Study is a Bible study-based Community Group. It is intergenerational and open to men who are single or married, Christian or seekers of God, from Northview or elsewhere. At Northview, we believe that the words of the Bible are God’s very words and are “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness”, enabling us to be “complete, equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16b-17). Consequently, the Bible is at the centre of our Bible study. As we sit at tables together and slowly work through a Biblical book, we discover how God wants to challenge, encourage, and change us. Weekly: Wednesdays from 7:00pm – 9:00pm Location: Center Court, Abbotsford Campus Contact us at [email protected] Mission: Northview Community Church Mission 33507 Dewdney Trunk Rd, Mission BC email [email protected] or call 604-826-3299. Men’s Bible Study is a Bible study-based Community Group. It is intergenerational and open to men who are single or married, Christian or seekers of God, from Northview or elsewhere. At Northview, we believe that the words of the Bible are God’s very words and are “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness”, enabling us to be “complete, equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16b-17). Consequently, the Bible is at the centre of our Bible study. As we sit at tables together and slowly work through a Biblical book, we discover how God wants to challenge, encourage, and change us. Weekly: Wednesdays from 7:30pm – 9:00pm in the Main Auditorium If you have any questions, contact Jon at [email protected] Aldergrove: Aldergrove Alliance Church 26291 - 28th Avenue, Aldergrove, British Columbia V4W 2W3 [email protected] tel: 604-856-3447 Men's Group Ministry Description: Men of Aldergrove Alliance Church recognize the importance of meeting together to study God’s Word, encourage each other and pray for one another. We meet every 2nd Monday evening in a home here in Aldergrove and you can call the church office for the location: tel: 604-856-3447. Langley: Christian Life Assembly 21277 - 56 Ave., Langley, BC V2Y 1M3 [email protected] tel: 604.530.7344 CLA Men - website: Monday Night Men Mondays | 7:30 - 9:30 pm | East Chapel Monday Night Men (MNM) is an evening of worship, sharing, prayer and instruction from God’s Word using video or testimony. It will be a place to meet other men from CLA, build friendships and grow together spiritually. It is a casual, drop in style and open to all men of CLA (permission has been granted to open this to the public). For more information, please email Andrew Meszaros. Langley: Riverside Calvary Chapel #8-20178 96th Ave. Langley, BC V1M 0B2 604.539.9673 [email protected] Men’s Ministry Men’s Bible Study – Meets at 7pm on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month. The study is called “In The Trenches” and it is open to all guys as we seek to grow as Men of God! |