In-Person / low-Contact Games
OTHER LOW-CONTACT GAMES TO TRY: SCUM Number the entire group of players from 1 to whatever. Then have them gather at the centre of gym floor. (A large room is okay, but care must be taken to avoid hitting the ceiling.) Have a leader start the game by being "It". He bounces the ball on the floor, having it go up as straight up as possible. Just before it bounces, he yells a boy's number, who must retrieve the ball and shout "Scum!" The rest of the boys run as far as possible away from the ball, but freeze in place once "Scum" is called. With all the boys frozen where they are, the boy with the ball rolls it bowling style at any one boy. If that boy get hit by the ball, or moves to avoid being hit, that receives a letter from the word "SCUM", starting with the "S". If the ball misses all the boys before hitting the wall, no one gets a letter. The boy hit, or closest to the ball, then becomes "It". The game ends when one boy receives all four letters of "SCUM". Play three rounds. |
Virtual - AT a Distance - GAMES
These are quick 10-minute games that boys love. A lot of "Zoom" games on the internet are long and complicated. They have their place but not in a fast-action Brigade meeting. Here are some games to try:
This section is still being developed. More games will be added as we share what is working in our groups. I'M GOING TO THE RACETRACK:
TWENTY QUESTIONS: One person is selected and decides what animal, vegetable, superhero he is. One at a time, the group then asks questions until they guess the player's identity. If they can do it in 20 questions or less, then the group wins., If it is over 20 questions, then the boy is the winner.
ELIMINATE: A Zoom/Discord game where each person has his own window. The purpose is to eliminate everyone from the game.
INTEGRATE - The Welcome Game: This is the opposite of the ELIMINATE game. The purpose is to quickly bring everyone into the group.